Student Registration Form

Personal Details
Full Name
Birth Date
Current Education
Baptism Date
Guardian's Details
Guaridan's Name
Guardian's Phone
Guardian's Email
Guardian's Address
Guardian's Relationship
Emergency Contacts
Person Name
Allergies / Medical conditions or other concerns :
Blood Type
Does your child have a Antibiotics
Is there anything you would like us to know about your child?
If I am not available, and a medical emergency arises, the supervising teacher has my permission to sek medical htp at.
Name of hospital
How did you hear about EDU HUB?
I give permission to take my child's picture for classroom projects and/or church website and/or facebook
Course Details
Course Name
Take or Don't Take the Book (Book Values must be paid individually)
Select the Book to take
Class Name
Placement Details
Placement Test
Your Placement Test
Choose files or drag and drop screenshot here

Remarks : Placement Test Timeslot : Mondays to Friday (9:00 Am - 5:00 Pm). We will contact and send the meeting link before your schedule.

Payment Details
Payment Plan
Payment Account
Registration Fees Screenshot
Choose files or drag and drop screenshot here
Additional Comments